Sunday, September 21, 2014

Long time no see?? Fakamolimoli

DAY 23 (i think) Tuesday 

School from sketchbook. 
I haven’t written in a week now which seems kinda crazy that it has already been a week, but I got pretty sick this last week and was out from teaching or being in school half of Thursday and almost all of Friday with a trip to the hospital or clinic. It was a humbling experience and I was grateful for the help. I had a really bad chest cold or something, but I am basically all back together now and so glad to be feeling better.:) But because of the sicky sickness I was basically just coming home from school and sleeping until my usual midnight or 1:00 wake up when I would get my stuff done. Haha I haven’t changed even on a 19 hour time difference! But last week was a really good experience for me. I came to school Tuesday morning and found out that my teacher’s wife needed to go to the hospital because she’s anemic and needed blood so he was taking her to the hospital. I felt bad that she wasn’t feeling well and I didn’t know what kind of things had to be done for someone with her condition, but I was going to help by at least getting everything done that he needed me to with the classes. The principal, Fehi, let me know that a sub would be coming to class to help me before I walked out and then that was it. It would just be me and my students doing book work. Haha It was really good to see what the procedure was with a substitute and then of course it was good to be put in that situation. I really liked being with all my students and this is actually when I started to do the pencil drill with them turning in their backpack or sandals. Fita, the sub, who actually served her mission in Chile too!!:) was awesome. I was grateful to have her with me so we could run the system right from the start with the pencils and make sure I got them all back. She was also really great at getting the role read...haha Sounds like an easy task but I’ve done it once before and said a lot of names wrong and got a lot of laughing.:) Fita gave me the challenge to read the role by myself before I go home. haha During the second period I had visits from the principal and vice principal. It was a little nerve wracking having them come by and walk around and check the students. My students were all working and had something to work on so I was grateful for that. The day went really well, though, and me and Fita took care of the class well together. haha She worked the door while I worked the front of the room to get all the materials back and the students out to their next class in time. 

Tuesday, 9.9.14

Started term 4 today since we had our delays in Ha’apai! Class went REALLY good for the first term 4. Timing for each thing went really smoothly and I didn’t feel rushed getting the information out. We started with test corrections and only my student, Maikolo, said anything about his test score which was actually 2 under what it should have been....7 instead of 9...haha Grading late at night has it’s cons. Haha He thought it should have been minus five so when I said it was actually supposed to be nine and if he would like me to change it he quickly said no. haha After test corrections I passed out the sign writing packets and paper, and then we ran through our pencil drill. 19 kids, almost all of my students, came up for a pencil. I don’t know how they do their work in their other classes without pencils or if they all just borrow from that one kid that actually brings a pencil. I wouldn’t be surprised though since they do share everything. :) haha 

Monday, 15 September 2014

Today was an A day and I started my art history week with my form 6 classes! I was really impressed with my students and the results that I got. I taught a lesson on the Renaissance by using the lists of vocab from the handout they were given last week. I passed out 2-3 pieces of paper to each group of 4 students that I had made with the class. On each piece of paper was a letter of the alphabet that the students had to write a word from the handout matching the letter on the paper. After all the students were done writing, they came up to the front of the class one at a time and shared the word they picked and why they picked it. We put all the words on the board and then as a class categorized the words into different groups. After we moved some words around and went over a few definitions of the words chosen, the students worked in their groups to make a statement summarizing what we had discussed on the Renaissance. The sentences were a great assessment of the student’s understanding on the lesson. My first class seemed to have better concluding sentences as well as vocabulary words, and I feel like I taught the lesson the same and gave the same instructions. I guess that just comes from difference in students and maybe the groups that the students were in. I still was really impressed with their work ethic and the attention that was given during the lesson. I think they liked searching for the words and then they really enjoyed moving the words into groups which I found interesting how much both my classes liked doing that. They were assigned to write a 200 word essay due by the next class period to help them prepare for their final exams. 

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